Monday, March 3, 2014

Inexpensive Carnival Booth Dividers

My carnival booths are going to consist of a 6' table covered in white plastic table cloths,
so I needed something to separate the 6 tables from each other and make it look more
carnival-like. This is the idea I came up with:
I will drape a piece of red & white table cloth over each of these dividers,
then place them between the tables, so they will divide each "carnival booth" from the others.

They were VERY simple to make, and fairly inexpensive.
I did my research and found that Lowes had the best pricing of our local stores.
To make the divider you see above you will need:
6 pieces of 10' PVC Pipe (Lowes #23993 for $2.64 each)
You will need to have 5 of these PVC pipes cut into 5) 5' pieces and 10) 2.5' pieces
and the final 10' PVC pipe cut into 10) 1' pieces
Two 5-packs PVC 1" Elbows (Lowes #26056 for $2.57 each)
Two 5-packs PVC 1" T's (Lowes #26053 for $2.87 each)
Total cost $27.72 ($5.54 each)
Take one 5' section and put an Elbow on each end
Put one 2.5' section into each Elbow
Fit one T at the end of each 2.5' Section
Put one 1' section into each opening on either side of the T
That's it! -- you now have a free standing divider!